Mission is a focus of Montgomery Square that pervades every aspect of our ministry. Our church supports local food banks, provides support and gifts to those in need during the holiday season, raises funds for emergency relief following national disasters, and supports regional clothing drives for those living at the margins of society.
With a national and global focus, we actively support:
- Compassion International
- Imagine No Malaria
- 30 Hour Famine (benefit World Vision)
- Aid For Friends (meals ready to eat)
- Card (Christmas and Greeting) Recycling
- Giant & Shop-Rite Cards/Woofies
- Hospital Pillowcases for Children
- Interfaith Hospitality Network: In collaboration with other churches we provide housing one month a year to the homeless.
- Native American Missions
- One Warm Coat
- Operation Christmas Child
- Recycling – Aluminum
- Recycling – Ink and Toner
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- Short-Term Mission Trips – A contigent of youth and adults are commissioned each summer to a short term mission trip of service outside our local community.
- Sweets and Treats (Valentines Greetings)
- Vacation Bible School Outreach